Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Unions strike action in November

Unions have called for a day of action on 30 November in what will be a winter of discontent for David Cameron. Or Nick Clegg. No, in fact, David Milliband.

With UK economic growth stalling the coalition and opposition are caught in a balancing act where a lack of certainty over the path to growth means that being perceived to fail to negotiate with the Unions will lead to damaged credibility to David Cameron; yet bending to them will also cause a negative reaction with private sector voters who have also seen pensions and pay cut.

I'm more interested, however, in Ed Milliband's approach. He has already reiterated at TUC Conference that he is doesn't favour action but his leadership of his party may not survive another 'these strikes are wrong' moment.

If Ed does become red then he forgoes the 'squeezed middle' ground he has tried and failed to woo thus far.

Expect to see fiery rhetoric from Ed Balls and co to try and push the Coalition to a solution with the Unions which will spare Labour this no-win no-fee decision.